Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Beyond Breaking Glass ****

Beyond Breaking Glass is an autobiographical show featuring post-punk star Hazel O'Connor, best remembered for her lead role in the film Breaking Glass.

Here, like Joan Rivers and Britt Ekland, she takes the stage to reflect upon her life, recalling events and episodes in punk Britain, America and Ireland, her current home. 

What makes this work is that her story is broken up by her performing some of her best-known songs, such as Eighth Day and Will You, accompanied by a talented young Irish harpist who also provides backing vocals.

I remember my parents not letting me go and see Hazel O'Connor live back in 82 because she was "too dangerous(!)" so it was a real treat to see her and hear some of the songs I remember so well from my misspent youth.

Part monologue and part gig, Beyond Breaking Glass doesn't contain much to make you think, but does feature some great songs, and O'Connor's folk-ish voice certainly hasn't diminished over the years.

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